Js window.navigator.online

La propiedad que indica si el usuario está online u offline es navigator.

Netscape Navigator - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

no-internet . Checking if the internet is accessible in the browser (not local connection only) window.navigator.onLine is the simplest approach to return the online status of the browser.

Midori Browser - Astian

The Javascript Navigator is an object of window interface, it provides information about the web browser and its capabilities. The Navigator object can be accessed using window.navigator or simply navigator because window is a global object. The types of information that can be retrieved using navigator Returns the online status of the browser. The property returns a boolean value, with true meaning online and false meaning offline. The property sends updates whenever the browser's ability to connect to the network changes. The update occurs when the user follows links or when a script requests a remote page.

Cuadernillo JavaScript 2: Desarrollo Web en Entorno Cliente .

Missing Mapbox GL JS CSS.  The navigator is optimized for use on smartphones and is designed as a web application (site) without the need to install on the phone . You are about to leave the Navigator® Application for a Web site that is unaffiliated with Navigator®. Navigator has not been involved in the preparation of the content supplied at the unaffiliated site and does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for its content. The Navigator allows you to check-in online, securely storing your credit card details and giving you full control over the information that you want to share. Arrive at your hotel, skip the questions and queues and go straight through to relax in your room. if (window.navigator.onLine).

navigator.onLine siempre me regresa true o online - Stack .

As stated in the specs:“window.navigator.onLine is inherentlyunreliable. A computer can be connected to a network without having Internet … Canadian Online Explorer, BBC Online, La Política Online, Regnum Online, objeto navigator javascript, windows navigator, navigator js, navigator online,  El sitio proporciona HTML, CSS, JavaScript, archivos de inicio, PHP, MySQL, Ejemplos. Si el navegador en línea: var x=navigator.onLine;. x salida: true. Detectar si un usuario está conectado o desconectado con JavaScript Primero usaremos navigator.online para verificar si el usuario tiene Internet cuando la página se carga inicialmente. Listen for the page to be finished loading window.

Trabaja offline gracias a la API de caché de HTML5 - Genbeta

Navigator Object. The navigator object contains information about the browser. Note: There is no public standard that applies to the navigator object, but all major browsers support it. Center an h1 element in your HTML page with the id of “status”.

JavaScript - Rediccionar _blank - La Web del Programador

Navigator. 10min ejecutando la aplicación de manera online u offline, cuál es el idioma del navegador, etc. onLine, el cual se define a nivel del objeto JavaScript Navigator: